Those of you who've been following this blog -- or the Sullivan hearing for that matter -- have no doubt been anticipating the arrival of Friday, June 26. Previously known as the date that Petro-Canada was to submit its final reply with the Board; this was the submission that would bring us one step closer towards a resolution.
But certainties, as we've learned, are often a rarity.
"Out of an abundance of fairness and process," an extension of the filing deadlines for Argument has been granted by the Board. Schedules set out in the Panel's letters of April 30 and May 11, 2009 have been amended to the following:
Interested Parties' Written Argument to be filed with the Board and provided to Petro-Canada and all other Interested Parties by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 26.
Petro-Canada's Final Reply to be filed with the Board and provided to all other Interested Parties by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 17.
Stay tuned!
On a related note, Kelly Cryderman recently penned an article in the Calgary Herald that focussed on a request to appeal the Board's decision that a relationship earlier in the year did not compromise the Sullivan hearing process.
It’s important to note that the application for leave to appeal put forward by the Big Loop Group relates to the ERCB’s decision on the independent investigation into a relationship between an ERCB and Petro-Canada employee and is not an appeal of the Sullivan project itself.
That said, we’re confident in the Board's decision on the matter of the investigation and believe that it took the appropriate steps to ensure that the integrity of the hearing wasn’t compromised.
There's more to come, but until then, enjoy the summer!