On Friday, Petro-Canada submitted it's final rebuttal to the ERCB in regards to the Sullivan project. It's hard to believe that we -- stakeholders and Petro-Canada employees alike -- have spent the better part of nine months engaged in a formal regulatory process that was capped with a retort to intervener arguments. If this were pro hockey, someone would be skating around with the Cup!
But this isn't hockey and the process isn't a game. Petro-Canada presented a project that it felt (and continues to feel) was in the best interest of Albertans to develop. A project that we believe can be constructed and operated in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. This hasn't changed.
The Company faced opposition from a group of local land-owners and interest groups who thought otherwise and questioned the merits of any development in the region. This also remains true.
What we don't know is how the Board will respond. It's now in their hands to determine what's fair. There will be no score... after nine months we must now be patient and await the Board's decision.
The end of the beginning shouldn't be confused with the beginning of the end.